Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I was blind to parental abuse and neglect, but now I see

Hello my friends. For the last year, I've been working to come to terms with parental abuse, neglect, scapegoating, endangerment, abandonment, manipulation, exploitation, invalidation, toxic shaming, parentification and gaslighting about it all. I haven't talked to many people outside this blog about it but when I have the question comes up how I could have been so blind for so long, to it happening. Good question. I've wondered that myself and it's part of why I'm on this mission. 

I also ask myself so why now? How did I get to be 60 and not see all the abuse? And then that leads me to (wait for it) second-guess and gaslight myself, did it really happen? This of course, is a classic response to reports of abuse as children by older people. Systems and individuals skeptical that I'm making it up because if it was that bad, why didn't I say anything let alone realize it. Some have contradicted me and said "oh you knew. You had to." Or worse, that it's just done for attention. Or made up.

Do people who undermine a person suffering from CPTSD with comments like this, actually hear themselves? Right there, they've just told me all I need to know about them. They don't care.They invalidate. They dismiss. They're probably abusing someone in their life. But go ahead. Hit me with your best shot. Cuz bruh, you couldn't possibly second guess me more than I do myself and have all my life. THAT'S WHY I'M THE MESS I AM!!

But interestingly, this sick victim-blame-shaming from people, only underscores the reality of all the abuse. The fact that I got to my seventh decade completely clueless to abuse from 4 narcissistic adults who called themselves my parents, just shows how good they were at it. And it shows that the gaslighting had been going on since pretty much day one up to the present. 

Because I may be slow to see abuse in my life, but I'm very quick to perceive it in others. And I care. A LOT. Too much sometimes. Being an empath made me so much  more vulnerable to it. And boy howdy did I make the excuses for them. They didn't mean to. It was a mistake. It was my fault. Pretty soon they didn't even have to lie or gaslight or invent reasons to blame and shame me. I was doing it for them. You should see my bizarre disturbing nightly dreams. I'm always kowtowing to someone or many someones who are treating me like crap. I am always in the hot seat. 

I've written about what made me suddenly start to stuff for the abuse it was. And I need to write more. I'm still not entirely sure, but I know those dreams that I have nightly every single night all night long, are instrumental. I've also had to flip the script and look at things from a different perspective. I've had to look at my experiences as I would if it was  happening to someone else. And I've had to pry my hands off my eyes and admit that they were hurting me because they were trying to. You don't "accidentally" do the kind of traumatizing crap my parents did. They had to go out of their way. 

Being under constant attack or threat of attack, made me jumpy, anxious, fearful, ashamed, worried. And constantly second guessing myself. Just like a soldier develops PTSD from constant threat, I developed CPTSD as a trauma response. 

But, some good news, once seen, I'll never unsee it again. And once you open your eyes and look at things clearly, a lot of other experiences that got swept under the rug come to light. Once I started remembering, I realize that things were so so much worse than I'd forced myself to believe. It's not pleasant. But it's better than just constant emotional and physical pain from believing lies, hating myself and distorting memories to suit other people's twisted narrative. 

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