Parents, are you worried about childhood obesity?Look at the child's legs in the photo left. When a kid is that heavy, it's not baby fat. It's childhood obesity. And more children are obese than ever before. But there's a new fat trigger and it might surprise you. Repeated use of antibiotics has been linked to weight gain in children and adult obesity later in life, reported Health Day on Oct. 22. As you're probably aware, antibiotics take a dangerous health toll on kids. But o
veruse of antibiotics in treatment of illness could cause children to have weight problems for the rest of their lives, reported researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. Study authors analyzed data from some 164,000 U.S. kids. Results showed that 21 percent of the children studied had received seven or more prescriptions for antibiotics during childhood. Antibiotics linked to weight gain in children, adult obesity, Johns Hopkins says.
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