Hello my friends. Fresh off from my post about surprise ways to heal CPTSD from dark tetrad narcissistic parent abuse, I'm sharing things that are supposedly helpful in healing but which can actually hinder. And like the helps, these might surprise you also.
Counseling. We're told that counseling is the be-all-end-all in healing. In fact some counselors say you can't heal without it. For many issues it can be helpful but for adult children who were abused by dark tetrad parents, it can make things worse. And I may get flak on this but hear me out. Very few counselors are trained in dealing with narcissists, fewer on dark tetrads, and virtually no one on adult children of dark tetrad parents.
One problem is that the counselor sees a chronological adult sitting in front of them and expects to be able to talk to them as an adult. But what they don't get is that they are actually talking to a child in a grown up's body. Even if they speak and act like an adult. Even if they are responsible and functional. Traumatized kids are often some of the most mature adults in society. We've had to grow up very fast, behave like an adult before we were able to and parent our parents. In fact, many of us never were kids.
But childhood is a developmental stage that can't be missed or the whole person breaks down. There's a forever child crying in us. Actually many children of various ages depending on when abuse started and how long it occurred. These inner children have been abandoned, abused, neglected, exploited, manipulated, coerced, bullied, scapegoated, shamed, attacked, endangered and invalidated all our lives. Manipulative, selfish, arrogant, cruel (dark tetrad) parents have placed too many adult demands on us and yet treat us like naughty, wayward children in need of constant discipline. We're trapped in a limbo of thwarted childhood and hurried adulthood.
And this unfortunately is something a lot of counselors don't get. They then perpetuate our deceitful parents' gaslighting by expecting us to do things we've never been taught to do or which we were punished for doing. They speak to us as if we should know how to fix this. Those that do realize we're trapped in our unresolved children selves are often patronizing or condescending. Actually both types do that. Like our parents, they treat us like children but expect us to think and behave like adults.
Which just convinces us that we're the childish inept fools our parents said we were. It reinforces that we're the broken ones. We let people down. We don't try hard enough, don't "participate in our own therapy" and other such psycho-gumbo. They say we shouldn't be people pleasers when that's all it was safe for us to be. We shouldn't blame our parents tho they were the cause of our problems. We need to grow up. We're enmeshed, etc.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. We're surprisingly put together given all we've been deprived of. It's our parents who are childish and if we're inept it's because too much was expected that was not modeled. We've been trying TOO HARD all our lives. We prop others up and they let us down. WE don't know how to help ourselves and it was never safe to. We had to please to survive. We never blamed our parents but should have. They blamed us and we made excuses for them, supported them and never questioned their hurtful behavior. We took their sins on ourselves. They're enmeshed in us and are using up all our oxygen and bleeding us dry.
And shocking as this sounds, some counselors will actually defend our abusive parents. You get this more from "Christian" counselors. They are blatantly dismissive and invalidating, just like, wait for it, the people who have caused us to need therapy in the first place. These would-be helpers will make all kinds of excuses for the parents and put all kinds guilt on us. Your parents did their best (did they?) They didn't mean to (oh, cuz that's not what they told me). Let it go. (it won't let me go). You're dwelling on it (nope it dwells in me) The past is in the past (I wish! But it follows me). No one is perfect (oh so it's fine to be as awful as you want?) Sheesh if I wanted that kind of advice I'd have gone to my self-centered parents! And don't bother gaslighting me. Been there, do that to myself already.
They tell us to focus on ourselves not on what they did. Regardless of what they did, we have to be the bigger persons, rise above, etc. I've been doing that all my life, ma'am and that's why I'm here. But thanks for making me feel even more suicidal than I already do. Are there good counselors out there? Of course. But all the good ones can't undo the untold damage that one bad leaves behind.
Forgiveness. I've written an entire blog post already on this one. Forgiveness of people who aren't sorry isn't just unhelpful it's impossible. And dangerous. It implies consent. Also forgiveness isn't what many people think it is. It's just accepting that the past will never be any different than it was. And so that is helpful but that's not what folks who prat about forgiving mean. What they're saying is that we who have been harmed must somehow make it right for the ones who harmed us. Again, we have to fix everything that someone else broke. It's our DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY. We OWE them that. Despite them feeling no remorse for harming us and having every intention of continuing.
Well, I'm debunking that right here and now. No it's neither your duty nor your responsibility and you don't owe anyone anything, let alone their false, self-serving version of forgiveness. You can't. Because their version defies the very intent of reconciliation. They aren't sorry. They feel perfectly justified and entitled. Or they will lie and say it never happened. You're making it up. You're exaggerating. You're too sensitive. You're too critical. It's your fault. You brought it on yourself.
And I know, what the Lord's Prayer says. My parents were forever quoting all the scriptures on how I was supposed to forgive. They never forgave anyone and held grudges to their death. Forgiveness is a weapon that they use against you. That whatever they do you have to exonerate them. But I do not believe that God ever intended you the victim to give blanket absolution to unrepentant people. He never meant that they could keep doing it. I know, even the scripture about forgiving 70x7. Unless it is the type of forgivness that just accepts that it happened 490 times.
He doesn't expect you to be a doormat or to allow people to keep hurting you with no repentance. That's anathema to the purpose of forgiveness which is to check and change sinful behavior. Otherwise these self-centered people would just take it as carte blanche to keep sinning unchecked. Even God can't absolve what they won't confess. Contrition is required and they don't have it. Repentance is crucial to forgiveness and they just aren't sorry.
When Jesus confronted the woman at the well, he didn't say it's cool, I forgive you, carry on. He said don't do it anymore. And that's what dark tetrads have no intention of doing, stopping the things they do. What they want is to keep on doing exactly what they've always done and a blind eye turned to it. Or actually to be told that it is right and just and that they are above the rules. Which is a contradiction in itself. Because if what you did was right, you wouldn't need forgiveness. And if you expect forgiveness the least you have to do is admit that it's wrong.
In the final analysis, they are trying to gaslight God.